May 13, 2024
The Imperative of Transformative Pan-African Education

Our world stands at a precipice. Technological marvels reshape the way we live alongside deepening crisis of inequality, environmental strain, and social unrest. Within this maelstrom, Africa and its diaspora face a pivotal moment. Will we merely be acted upon by these global currents, or will we seize the opportunity to shape a future where our cultural contributions, knowledge systems, and worldviews lead to forging more just, resilient, and life-affirming societies?

The conversation about education in Africa and globally often fixates on basic skills, literacy, and the production of workers for a globalised economy. This is necessary, but woefully inadequate. Education, in its most expansive sense, is about the shaping of minds, the cultivation of values, and how we understand our relationship to the world. It's about how we make sense of the past and grapple with the possibilities of the future.

We must move beyond viewing Africa merely as a source of 'human capital' and instead recognise our continent, and our diaspora, as founts of knowledge vital for transforming the world and ourselves.

The Case for Re-Indigenisation

At the heart of this transformation is re-indigenisation. This is not to suggest a wholesale rejection of modernity or a nostalgic return to the past. Re-indigenisation speaks to a critical interrogation of the universalizing narratives of Western dominance – in politics, economics, and knowledge creation. It's a call to honour and revive suppressed modes of knowing, being, and social organisation grounded in indigenous and local realities, histories, and intellectual and spiritual traditions.

Thinkers like bell hooks illuminate this path. Her notion of "teaching to transgress" speaks to education as a practice of freedom, a challenging of dominant narratives, and the co-creation of knowledge that truly liberates. Paolo Freire echoes this with his "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," underlining how dominant schooling often oppresses rather than empowers the learner. We must ask:

What are the African and descendant worldviews that see interconnectedness, reciprocity, and community as central to existence?
How have African approaches to conflict resolution, restorative justice, and environmental stewardship been relegated to the margins, even amidst the failures of Western models?

Knowledge production is not a neutral act; we must decolonize our epistemologies – the very ways we determine what is knowledge and who gets to create it.

A New Era of Pan-African Education

It's precisely this re-indigenization and epistemic transformation that Ijeruka seeks to catalyse. Ijeruka is grounded in the belief that, as people of African descent, our knowledge does not exist to fill the gaps in others’ thinking and imaginations. We hold whole worlds unto ourselves.

Ijeruka is a virtual gathering ground, a sacred learning space and playground of possibilities for visionary minds who do not shy away from critical conversations, and who are determined to be at the forefront of change. Our courses, curated by leading thinkers and practitioners of African descent, grapple with the timeless wisdom of our ancestors alongside cutting-edge ideas that push boundaries.

Take, for instance, our inaugural courses "Radical Hope” and “Designing Africa and the Diaspora”. These programs invited learners to ask “what has sustained generations of African-descendants through life-altering, paradigm-shifting events?”. Together, learners confront the narratives of perpetual powerlessness that strip us of agency and imagination, and learn to reframe history and global events to examine what resources we have at our disposal to create a better future. Our courses are designed to bridge the gap between education and action, empowering learners to apply their knowledge and insights to real-world challenges and opportunities.

Ijeruka's Impact: Stories from the Community

As a founder, it’s been incredible to hear the stories of impact coming from our community.

  • Anthena, a social design researcher from the United States, sought "purposeful alignment" and found a path to fulfilment that is not "trauma-based" through Ijeruka's courses. She shared that through Ijeruka, “I was able to visit different timelines, and deepen my appreciation of diasporic intellect, community and consciousness.”
  • Nicolle, an early-stage professional from Kenya, navigating the international development field, found immense value in the diverse perspectives and disruptive conversations about alternative approaches to development.
  • Warren, a therapist and wellbeing coach from St. Croix, and Safiya, a mental health counsellor from South Africa, were inspired to integrate the lessons, methods, and experiences from other African and diasporic communities into their work and communities.

A Call to Reimagine Education

Transformative Pan-African education is about making space for the fullness of our being as African and diasporic peoples – our intellects, our spiritual yearnings, our creative audacity, and our embodied wisdom. It's about nurturing a generation not just equipped with technical know-how, but driven by a profound sense of purpose, anchored in the richness of our heritage, and committed to building a world where many worlds can flourish.

This won't just benefit Africa or black people – it's the kind of reorientation our entire planet desperately needs. The future calls on us to transcend our narrow silos. We need a global community of thinkers and doers who prioritise ethical frameworks, honour the interconnectedness of all beings, and recognize that the liberation of systemically marginalised people is inextricably bound up with the liberation of all.

If you resonate with this vision, I encourage you to explore Ijeruka. Visit our website, take a course, or consider joining our community as a member to discover the vast potential that lies within our collective wisdom.

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ABOUT THE contributor
Anwulika Okonjo
Anwulika Okonjo is the founder of Ijeruka, a social innovation strategist, and a community organiser.
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