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Chloe Mshana
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Anwulika Okonjo
May 2024
The global landscape demands a new approach to education – one that empowers African and diasporic communities to draw from their rich cultural heritage and knowledge systems. Explore Ijeruka's vision for transformative Pan-African learning.

May 2024
Learn about the origins of Afrocentricity as a theory of agency and social change that empowers people of African descent to shape themselves and the world.

May 2024
Here are fifteen books that promise to stretch your expectations and change the way you think about African and Afro-diasporic women.

April 2024
Across the globe, Afro-descendant women are organising and strategizing against overlapping systems of oppression which are determined to keep them subdued. Against all odds, these educators, activists, artists, and leaders from across the African continent and diaspora are using their voices and talents to challenge the status quo and build liberated futures for us all. Here are seven such women who are at the forefront of social change.
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Ijeruka's community is home for people of African descent to connect, collaborate, and grow together. Embrace this space as your sanctuary for meaningful conversations, learning, and relationships with like-hearted peers around the world.
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Engage with other learners
Visit Ijeruka's community on Circle
Ijeruka's community is home for people of African descent to connect, collaborate, and grow together. Embrace this space as your sanctuary for meaningful conversations, learning, and relationships with like-hearted peers around the world.
visit the community